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Have you ever really thought about the sacrifice God asked Abraham to make when He commanded him to give his son Isaac on the altar? Isaac was probably the most treasured thing in Abraham’s life. He had waited 100 years for this promised child to arrive, and he loved him with all his heart. Then, not too many years later, God asked Abraham to give him up. And not only to give him up, but to be the one who would take his life from him. Can you even imagine that? Really. Think about it for a minute.

Sacrificial giving is the kind of giving that is done at great personal cost to the giver.

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Thoughts on raising support

I think most of us would agree that trusting God often involves taking steps of faith in areas where we feel uncomfortable. It’s just too easy to hunker down in places where we feel adequate and shy away from those things that may expose our weaknesses. But as we are on our way to the mission field, we are faced with what may be our toughest challenge yet - asking people for money. It’s what Christians call “raising support” and it’s not easy, even for someone who raises funds for a local non-profit for a living. I’m raising those funds “for the kids,” not for myself…

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You know those people who pick one word to focus on for the entire upcoming year, sort of like a new years resolution, but far more simple? They identify just one word that centers on their character and perhaps creates vision for their future. They choose just one word that represents what they most hope God will do in them and they focus on it for an entire year? I know lots of people who choose a word for the year, and I’ve heard lots of stories about how that word has shaped their year when it’s all said and done, but I’ve never taken the time to really pray about and choose one word for myself. But this year I’m in.

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